Monday, December 8, 2008

Take Monday Off

Few, What a weekend it was! I rise today without a voice, seriously reduced inventory, and a profound sense of acomplishment! Last night, Standard Joel and I went for our traditional Sunday soak and it was the first time all week that my head was clear. The water was warm, the black sky was clear, and as I let my body relax the little nicks and cuts from weeks of hard work floated away. While I could barely walk after soaking, I felt stronger than ever. I, Chelsea Erhart, tirelessly put myself in the public eye for three days straight; without remorse for the tired little girl who wanted so desperatly to cuddle up with her teaddy bear.

So here I sit, late Monday morning, with a pot of tea by my side excited to get back to work. Throughout this wirlwind of activity, I have been in a state of examination. I have keep my mind on point and not let myself be lost in the tantrum that comes with over extending oneself physicaly and mentaly. I was remarking to Andrew on Friday about how every three months I have faced 'the biggest day of my life.' As each of these days have arrived, I have greated them with a more clam and focused me. My skin has gotten stronger, and I able to face great change with tranquility. I am amazed at my will power to elevate and change my place in life.

So whats next? Same thing as there ever was, its just bigger and badder than ever! Stop by the new space to see my smile and take me out for coffee!

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